
A small selection of websites that have influenced, inspired and instructed me!

  • Felin Ganol – one of only a few working Welsh watermills and the supplier of my wholemeal wheat and rye flour. And what fabulous flour it is too
  • Real Bread Campaign – forget your supermarket pap, find a real bread bakery near to you
  • Bread Matters – the website of the book that got me into bread making. Inspirational.
  • Loaf Online – The home of real food in South Birmingham and also the chap who let me into his micro-bakery for a night and inspired me to start my own!
  • Azelia’s Kitchen – a self-confessed sourdough and flour obsessive. Great blog for finding out how to manipulate flour to get fabulous looking bread.
  • Welsh Grain Forum – a community of growers, millers, bakers, maltsters, brewers, thatchers and friends committed to using & promoting Welsh grain.